First off lets talk about Saturday. If their is one thing I have learned about betting on games is that you are going to have days like Saturday. Everything goes wrong, your teams turnover the ball as if they bet on their opposition and all of your close calls are losers. Now when this happens, you have a few options: the option you choose will play an important roll in whether you are a winner or loser at years end. After all, it is easy to make good decisions when you are winning but the sign of a successful gambler is his behavior when things are bad. Most losers will want to "get even NOW!! " I call this the Hawaii syndrome. Guys lose all day and then try and triple up by playing Hawaii University. They don't care who they are playing but this is the last game of the night, most of the time. The second most common thing said at a sports bar after 10pm, behind "I should have asked for that girls number," is "every team that goes to Hawaii is partying and doesn't care about the game!" So they bet Hawaii and hope for the best. This is a bad idea. If things are going bad there is very little chance it will turn around in the Hawaii game. The better option is to understand that "it is gambling" and take your lumps and get them tomorrow. Those close games will even out and if you know what you are doing ( like me). You can have the confidence in knowing that you are going to have more good days than bad and that the only important # is the wins and losses at the end of the season.
I have become addicted to the show Meercat Manor. This is a show where these people go around in some desert following the every move of these little animals that look like squirrels on steroids. They give them names and if you watch you can become attached to these little things. Well if Saturday wasn't bad enough, the head of the Meercat Manor a girl named "flower" was bitten by a king cobra that was trying to eat her new born baby meercats !!! Flower went to try and save them and the damn snake bit her in the head and killed her! So if you lost on Saturday remember, it could be worse. At least you aren't asked to protect your kids from a giant snake while living in an "Africa Hot" desert. That's food for thought.
We have ATLANTA, MINN,SAN DIEGO AND TAMPA on Sunday. I will let you know how it went next time.