Sunday, October 7, 2007


I am back from Dallas where I went to my first and only game I will attend (in person) this season. Saturdays and Sundays are spent in front of 6 TV's in my office. Going to the games would be like an options trader hanging around on the steps of the NYSE. It might be fun but you get a better picture of where the money can be made by watching lots of games. I do love to listen to the fans while at the games. For some, I am sure it is a release from their everyday lives. For others, I am sure they have Tourette Syndrome and need medication. Saturday,"catch the ball,you stupid f******,donkey s**** eating ,piece of coc**8 eating bit**!!" Could be heard echoing through the Cotton Bowl. I understand passion but I am not sure if I will ever be able to take my kids to one of the best sporting events in the country. I think I might ease them in by letting them watch Eddie Murphy Raw. Then take them on a pirate ship . Both of these things are tame compared to the Tourette's going around that stadium. And the shirts! I have a shirt that says "I am your girlfriends pimp". I am not sure where I got it and I AM sure I will never wear it but if I wanted to, OU vs. Texas would be the place. I wouldn't even stand out. I guess what I am trying to say is, if you go to a football game, please try and remember that just because your children may be in jail or on a pole, some of us our still trying to teach our kids how to behave. I guess we could leave them at home but it would be nice to take my son to one of the neatest games on the planet.

I told you we were having a great week and it is continuing! 8-2 this week, as of Sunday afternoon. If you are betting on the games, get signed up. Have a good week.