I have been sitting at the computer for about an hour writing a blog that was sure to inform and entertain you. I am sure it was going to make your weekend a little bit better and in turn make my weekend a bit better. The blog talked about the difference between a "bookie" which is not legal and what I do which is legal. It talked about gambling laws in America. It also touched on Christianity and started to address some of the ignorances that some "church goers" have in regards to gambling. I worked on this blog for more than an hour and I dare say was going to be one of my best and most informative entries yet. Just as I finished, the st@%@#@ computer shut off and erased all of my work!!!!!! I am telling you, sometimes I think it would be easier to go find the unibombers cabin and start hunting bear and throw this computer out the window!!!!!
I will try again later to inform and entertain. I am out of energy.