Tuesday, April 15, 2008


 This is the time of year, I get to evaluate my seasons. I look at the money I spend on advertising, I look at the markets I am invited to be a regular guest in, I look at the trips I have taken to go to see clients in different parts of the country. The truth is I can only do so many things during the football season and still put most of the priority on WINNING FOOTBALL GAMES. Because of this, it is important I make good use of my  time. Each year I realize I do  A LOT of radio. I am a regular guest on apx 20 radio shows around the country and of course, The Fat Jack Sports Hour airs in 15-20 markets. The point to this is I feel like I have had a lot of time on the radio to see what works and what doesn't.

I was surfing the internet today and came across a website. They had a topic called "Fall sports talk radio final exam" . It then listed a bunch of questions making fun of a lot of people involved in sports radio. Here was question 7

List the most obnoxious radio guests starting with the most obnoxious and ending with the least obnoxious. THen they say we have filled in # 1 to help with your list.  Well you can guess who they think is the most obnoxious. ME!

Even though they said I was the best at something, I was a bit sad at first.  I thought about ALL of the people on the air I consider more obnoxious than me. Then I started thinking about the things I say on the air in hopes to come up with a list of things I might not want to say next season. I am always trying to improve my shows. It then dawned on me that I don't really have an act. When I am on the air , I basically say what pops into my mind. In fact, that is sometimes what gets me in trouble. Last season I got in trouble for talking about midgets. All I said was that if I was a midget, I would sue Major League Baseball for discrimination. A midget would make a great lead off hitter and I think MLB is taking food out of the mouths of midget children everywhere by not letting their parents play major league baseball. I got in trouble for not only talking ABOUT  midgets but also calling them "midgets". Apparently, that is a bad term, they prefer "little people" which ,to me , is much worse than midget. 

So basically, its not what I say on the air that is obnoxious, it is ME  they consider obnoxious. OUCH!

So I went to my wife and told her what I had figured out and asked her if I was obnoxious. She said YES, in fact I was obnoxious!  THAT CUT DEEP!!    She went on to add that me being different and looking at life in that manner was also what made me entertaining and attractive to her.(I always thought it was my washboard abs). She said if I was normal, it would be boring to listen to me and that would have been the true insult. To be called boring.

So after some thought and lots of soul searching I have decided to change nothing about the show for next season. After all, my success is determined by wins and losses not the amount of radio awards I win. (current total -zero)