Monday, June 30, 2008


I am getting ready to leave tomorrow for the World Series of Poker Main Event and I thought it would be nice to do something with the kids today before I go. I  decided to take them to the movies. I wanted to see The Guru, my son wanted to see The Hulk but as usual my daughter won and we ended up seeing Wall-e. I am still not sure what the hell I saw? I heard that it was the #1 movie in the country last weekend but I am not sure how. There was very little talking and it was about a robot and a bunch of fat people on a space ship!  If it wasnt a cartoon and made by Pixar I am sure it would be voted one of the worst movies of the year! Dont go see it!!! If you are one of those that loved it for the "social message" SPARE ME!  I am all for being responsible about the environment but not in a cartoon. What ever happened to the "crying Indian" on the side of the highway when someone wanted to make a point about that stuff!

Just a side note to my trip to Vegas tomorrow. I am friends with a lot of poker players and am asked if I want to "financially back" people all the time. I NEVER say yes, mainly because I dont want to put my money on anyone that I dont think is better than me. However, I have a friend that I have been thinking about backing for a while now and I finally decided to get on his bandwagon. I bought 2500.00 of his 10k entry into the 10k PLO World Championship (WSOP event 50) that started yesterday. I get 15% of whatever he wins. They started with about 350 players and are down to 80. His name is Brant Hale and he is currently in 6th place. He is one of the few " great" poker players around and a really nice guy. Good luck to him today. I will try and keep you updated on my tournament and I will let you know if Brant closes the deal. Have a good week.