Sorry for the delay on an entry but as you can imagine, I have been VERY busy. the first week went well and I turned a nice profit. this last week wasn't as good. I lost Thursday, Friday and Sunday and pushed on Saturday. For most this would still be an OK season so far but the bar is really high for my clients and I. We will have a great month and season but I hate to lose. EVER. My wins have all been easy and my losses have mostly been due to turnovers ect. so I am close to having a huge run. Sometimes it is as important to know why we lost as it is to just know we lost. If I was picking teams like Cincinnati against OU I would be worried but my wins are teams like Michigan State -21 and won by 35 and Philly on Sunday -8 and won by 35. the losses were teams like Pittsburgh -12 and won by 10. FINE. Look for a good week.
I took my son to the OU game on Saturday. I am amazed at what I see every time I try and take him to a game. I have never understood guys that yell at the coaches. I heard " throw it to the tight end!!" and " you call that a block?" Now most of the idiots yelling stuff are 5'1 guys that are ALWAYS bald and clearly morons. My son asks,"dad, why is he yelling at the field?" I say " Son, he is a moron." That is all I can come up with. Even if the idiots yelling knew the rules and had a clue what they were talking about, the coaches would never hear them and if they did do we really want them listening to the bald guys in the good seats? I think it would be great if just once, Brent Venables would turn around and say, " hey baldy in the 5th row, thanks for the tip I was wondering if I should blitz and you really helped." " you are the man!!" Budweiser should do a commercial about those guys.
I will try and give a 4th grade football and 6 year old soccer update later this week.
If you are betting, you are probably losing. Get signed up!!!