Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I am in Florida on the second annual Caytie/Daddy trip. For those of you that are new to the blog, every year, I take each of my kids on a small vacation with just them and I. Normally, I take Caytie before spring break and Jackson after school gets out for the summer. I recommend this for any father out there that either wants to get to know their kid a little better or wants to create a memory that neither of you will ever forget. I dont think it matters at all where you take them, it is all about the idea it is just you and them. For them, it makes them feel like you are only there for them, and I promise you, it will force you to have a conversation with your kids that you might not have otherwise. When mom is there, she will almost always run interference for you, even if you only are with one kid. When it is just Caytie and I, and she says " I wonder what why Mickey and Minnie Mouse have never had kids?", you are the only one there to give the answer. We spent most of the day doing things that make her happy and after we came back so I could watch some of the games. I started to change the tv and she looked at me and said "daddy, turn it back to soccer, I want to see how THEY roll." I guess the fact her 6 year old soccer team is 1-0 gives her an opinion on what we watch. I explained why we care more about the Baylor score than how soccer people roll. She seemed to understand.
Last night we didnt get in until after midnight and the only thing that kept her awake is the fact I rented a "slug bug " for a rental car. I was hurrying to get to the house we are staying at and all the sudden I look up and a police car is behind me. I am sure they were profiling the very volatile combination on a fat guy and a 6 year old girl in a red convertible slug bug and decided to take us down. As the cop handed me the $245.00 ticket, I told him I was planning on having a huge week with the conference tournament games and didnt care about the ridiculous amount of the fine. Yes 51 in a 30 = $245.00, even in a slug bug. As I drove off I had no idea my punishment was just starting. Every time I pushed on the gas today my daughter said " daddy, the speed limit is 30 and you are going 31!" "daddy, the speed limit is 45 and you are going 47." After about 30 times, it becomes maddening! And again, I was the only one there to answer her.
We are making money almost every day over the last week and are looking for another huge March.
Go and hug your kids. Before you know it they will be grown up. I am the luckiest man in the world to be able to spend today with JUST my daughter. She is so special to me and I will never forget our trips. I love her sooo much and although I cant keep her 6 forever ( like I want to) I will always love and remember weeks  like this.  Good luck.