This years trip is actually starting out pretty funny. I never tell the kids where we are going and try to keep it a secret as long as possible. With my 10 year old, that normally is the second we hit the gate at the airport if not before. He can read and is well traveled so he knows where to look at the airport. This trip is starting different. I slipped once and told caytie ( she's 8) that we would get into florida around 6pm. I quickly covered that up and she was back to guessing. You might find this hard to believe but we are currently somewhere over alabama and she still doesn't know where we are going. Every time the flight attendant was about to say where we were going,I would ask caytie a question. She thought she heard california but realized that was wrong. Soon I am going to become concerned with her problem solving skills. She could always ask someone else on the plane. Everyone would tell her,except me.
We are going to orlando for 2 days. we are staying at the animal kingdom place. Beyond that I have no idea what we are going to do. Whatever my baby wants ,my baby gets. At least for 48 hours a year.
We won again last week in hoops !!! 12-4 then 11-5 the last 2 weeks. You 100.00 players, ask yourself how much you would be up with a 23-9 record over the last 2 weeks. We are making money and having a great hoops season.
If your betting on the games,get signed up today. Its a huge month.
Btw, we are on midwestern airlines new direct flight to orlando. Big new planes,on time and only 2 hours gate to gate and the tickets were cheap!!! I think they also go direct to tampa bay. I highly recommend them.
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