Hope everyone is having a great weekend. After 48 hours at home, I am off again. There are certain times of the year that I search for something fun to do but summer is not that time. I am busy. Just landed in Vegas for the wsop. I will be playing in the 2500.00 mixed event tonight and then maybe another event Monday. This is always one of my favorite trips of the year. Most of the time it is profitable and always entertaining. Poker players are a different breed and getting them all together for one event always sparks some funny situations. I will be here until Wednesday when I will fly to Georgia to attend the final awards dinner in the real women of Philadelphia talent search. My wife is one of the four finalist and may win a talent contract with Paula dean and Kraft foods. Either way, I need to be there so the poker will end Tuesday for me. Btw, I found out that the fat jack sports hour ( my radio show ) is going to be on fox in the fall. Saturday mornings at 11:30 am. A great time for those that are sick of watching the games with their losing picks and are ready to get signed up for our winning selections. I am excited about football season but am going to have some fun before we get back to full time work in August. Have a great weekend and I will have a poker update on Wednesday. Ps. I sat next to a total b#*+h on the plane to Vegas. Just sayin.
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