Well, the football season is inching closer and the kids are getting ready to go back to school. The nfl preseason is under way and will continue for the next couple of weeks. As most of you know I have always said that " the first sign you may have a gambling problem is if you are betting on the preseason. " now, I break down these games because they are a great learning tool for later in the season. For instance, I learned Sunday night that there is only one player named Palmer on Cincinnatis team worth putting your money on. I send out these preseason selections to anyone that signs up early for my service for free. Despite what some fly by night services may say, there is no value in the preseason so I don't charge for it. Now over the last couple of seasons these free picks have created some problems for my views on these games. Over the last 2 seasons a 100.00 player on these preseason games is up over 3500.00! Exactly. Now I didn't all the sudden find the wholly grail of preseason games it has been a combination of good picks and a lot of good luck. For my clients, they don't care how you win, just that you win. Betting on the preseason is a lot like betting on roulette. When you are winning there is not a more fun game in the casinio. You take your 5.00 and put it on #8 because it was your basketball number in the 8th grade and it hits! You somehow convince yourself that you had a hand in the win and you knew 8 was coming. All that profit! You are the best roulette player in the world. Then you play for 3 more hours and lose 200.00 of your own money. You walk away saying " why in the hell would I give my money away on something so stupid. How in the world can you predict what # is coming up!". Same game but totally different feelings and the fact is, win or lose, a lot of luck was involved. Preseason can be great when you are winning but make no mistake, when we bet on the regular season games , there is very little luck needed to make money over the entire season. Yes you will get lucky some and unlucky some but over the long run we are going to win a lot more than we lose. The preseason however , with the starters not playing much and some teams caring a lot more than others about the outcome , well you might want to look for a roulette wheel before you plop down a lot of money. Enjoy the preseason, take it for what it is and understand that there is a lot of profit waiting for us just a few weeks away.
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