Friday, September 3, 2010


Well, it is Friday and I am right in the middle of about 20 radio interviews. Fridays during football season are always fun. All of the radio hosts and fans are excited about the games upcoming this weekend and my clients and I are excited about the success that is most likely coming over the next few days. Last night we started the season like we start most seasons, we got ourselves into profit. I always love going on the radio after a strong start because it is the only time all year I get to yell, " WE ARE 100% ON THE YEAR!! " and unlike other services, I am telling the truth. If you didn't start this season getting yourself into profit, YOU NEED TO SIGN UP NOW! Yesterdays games were not difficult. If it hadn't been the first night of the season, we would have easily been 4-0. The free winners on my show were easy winners and everyone that is part of our service is winning. You never want to go crazy the first week of the season BUT yesterdays results bode well for the future for my clients and I. I love Labor Day weekend but I am not sure why my kids are off from school. I love it when they are home but I would prefer to use this day later in the year when we could go on vacation and they were a little sicker of school. Right now, they are just getting in the grove. I am coaching my sons 6th grade football team. This is my last season as a little league football coach. Next season the boys will play for the school and although they ask for a few parents to help , I don't think I will be doing that. It has been a great time over the last few seasons but it will be nice to not wake up thinking about a play that might work or who might work better at free safety on a 6th grade team! I really have enjoyed getting to know some of these kids and it has been a nice compliment to the football I spend most of my fall analyzing. For those of you that are heading to Vegas, I will post my predicted win totals for some teams so you might check the free winners page on the website. If you are planning on betting on the games this season, I am telling you, NOW is the time! We are going to have a big season !  This week looks great and nothing makes a tailgate party more fun then to be 4-0 as you are eating your first burger! Remember, there are amateur  drunks everywhere this weekend so be careful. Happy Labor Day weekend,have a safe weekend and good luck!!