Now that my little league coaching has slowed down, I have had a little more time to play some poker when I am not breaking down the games. I have been going to Vegas and playing 100-200 limit hold-em or 25-50 PLO for about 10 years. Oklahoma now has poker and that combined with the explosion of TV poker has made for an interesting few years. Poker is a lot like golf, most players think they are a lot better than they actually are and there are lots of "good" players and very few "great" players. The most interesting thing about poker, are the players. Anyone with the money can play and there are all types of people. One time, I was playing and a guy (after losing a big pot) decided to go to the bathroom all over himself! That was odd enough but after the table learned what he had done the only thing people said to him was "it's your bet." I am hosting a poker tournament @ the Lucky Star Casino tomorrow called The Fat Jack's Just in Time for Christmas, 15,000.00 Free Roll. I love these events because I get the chance to talk to a lot of poker players, some of which are clients, and get out of the office on a Saturday. These events are ALWAYS sold out and great for myself and the casino. We are giving away a lot of money and the cash games should be good.
Tomorrow is a big day. The first day of December and our first release of a game in which we press our bet up. Winning will get the holiday season off to a good start.
Taking the family to breakfast and then poker after that. If nobody wets themselves it should be a good day.