Wednesday, December 5, 2007


 I went to Dallas yesterday to look @ a new car.   What in the hell is going on with my font!!?  I hate computers, I sat down to compare some of the things I saw in Dallas to Oklahoma and I must have hit a button on my computer because my letters are slanted now!  I don't know what I did to get them slanted so I sure the hell cant get them unslanted!  I think it should be much harder to get your letters changed than it is. What if this was a very important letter, to a very important person who HATED slanted letters? I would have to shut down the computer and start over. All of this because the brilliant people that made computers thought it would be nice to be able to change the way your letters look simply be breathing on the keyboard!!! 

It looks like I am writing something that belongs in the Bible!!   

.....and John looked at the cup and said drink in thy name as it ....  

See what I mean.

I have lost the inspiration. Dallas was fine Oklahoma is fine blah blah blah.

We did win Monday night, We Went 3-1 last Saturday and won an extra unit with Washington +14 over Hawaii.Get signed up and I am going to ask geeves how to fix this stupid Bible font. Talk to you tomorrow.