Thursday, December 27, 2007


Well, Christmas is over. We left Orlando today and drove to Ft. Lauderdale. The 3 hour drive was filled with laughing, crying and the occasional beating. My mother is with us now. To read more about my struggles with aging parents see my last blog entry. My mother is the one that raised me and so is a lot closer to my family than my dad. This is good and bad. My mother and wife had a little fight today. I have enough to control in this group with my 2 kids that I really need those 2 to get along.

We are at the airport waiting to go to the Bahamas. We are flying on Bahamas Air. I have flown on Bahamas Air about 6 times and they have NEVER been on time. NEVER. They are currently 1 1/2 hours late and handing out crappy airport food vouchers. They are saying a bird flew into the windshield of the plane and are having to get it fixed. I think they are lying. If I owned an airlines that is the excuse I would use. How can you complain about that, you need a windshield to fly.

My 5 year old daughter just asked how old I was. I said 37. She yelled " 37 you are big!!!" What am I suppose to do with crappy airport food vouchers. Do they only own 1 plane? How about calling in a back up plane. I don't know if I want to be the test flight for the new window anyway. What if some local smoked too much hooch before installing this "window" what if it doesn't work?

My daughter is crying now. I asked her in my best Bahamian accent " little girl, whats you cryin bout?" she answered " my coloring book is under the stinkin plane!!"

Maybe my wife and mother will have a cage match to help pass the time.

I am going to try and find a television. We have won EVERY bowl game I have released. I am 11-1 in football over the last 10 days . Things are going great. Have a good week. I will make an entry from the Bahamas and keep you updated.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Well, I want to wish all of you a merry Christmas. I arrived in Orlando yesterday to spend the holidays with my family that flew down here last week when I headed to Vegas for the Las Vegas bowl.

Speaking of Vegas. I decided to take my father to Vegas with me. I was mainly raised by my mother as my parents divorced when I was young. In recent years my dad and I have grown a lot closer. What he lacked in being a father he MORE than makes up for with my kids. He is a great grandfather and for that I am thankful. I decided to take him so we could have some "quality" one on one time. That may have been a mistake. I love him a lot but apparently in recent years he has lost his freakin mind! like a lot of you, I am adjusting to my parents getting older and the changes that come with that. When you consider he is a simple Oklahoman that doesn't travel much and the fact that years of drinking ETC. have altered his mind, it was a recipe for disaster. I gave him a few hundred dollars to play with. He was broke in about 3 hours. I gave him a couple hundred more along with a strong warning that he needed to make it last. He was broke by 10pm. What made it worse is that my selections were 9-1 last week and it never crossed his mind to put a few dollars on those winners!! When dinner came around, I said "hey dad, how about stepping away from the wheel of fortune machine and lets go eat." "What sounds good?" His response, " Is there a place we can get a couple of hamburgers and a carton of milk?" I don't know how many of you have enjoyed the culinary excellence Vegas has to offer but it is harder than you think to find a great burger and milk joint. He went to bed around 7pm and woke up at 4am wanting a big breakfast. I went to bed around 2am and woke up around 10am not giving a crap about breakfast. Eggs are eggs! Who cares where we eat breakfast!!!

Overall, I am glad I took him. We dont spend as much time together as we should and this was a trip we will both always remember. That is what the holidays are suppose to be about. Making memories. Merry Christmas. I will make another entry tomorrow. I have had a lot going on and want to catch you up.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I hope everyone is having a great holiday season. As with most of you, this is a very busy time. I am leaving for Vegas on Thursday. One of the things I am having the opportunity to do is go to Vegas and speak to people that are in Vegas on company vacations about how "not to go broke" while in Vegas. Most seminar go-ers in Vegas are not "gamblers". They go to Vegas for their company trip and all of a sudden become "Kenny Rogers". They pull up to a blackjack table, order a Corona and sit there until they have a headache and are broke. When they go home, they are hungover and couldn't tell you one thing they heard in the meetings they attended. This is where I can help. I go in and give these guys a crash course in responsible gambling. I explain how they can have a great time while setting some limits with their money and their behavior. I teach them how to play the other casino games. I help them set a budget and give them a "plan of attack" while gambling on their business trip. Any WINNING gambler will tell you that discipline and structure are the keys to winning. The Las Vegas bowl is going on this weekend and the company I am meeting with is a sponsor of the game.

I am really running good right now. We were 7-2 last week in hoops and are winning 2 out of every 3 selections I release. This is a good thing. My Monday night record is now 16-4 and I haven't lost on Monday night in 2 months. This is a great time to get hot. Not only is it great for the clients that are spending Christmas money. It is great because I sound a lot more creditable when I am talking to upper management guys in Vegas. They have been getting my selections for about a month as part of my speaking package. It is a way for me to get "street cred" with the rich folks. lol

If you are thinking about betting on the Bowl Games, now is a great time to get signed up. We are playing 4 games for double our average bet and are getting ready to send a holiday scud missile into our books house. Have a great week and I will make an entry from Vegas to let you know how it's going.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


 There are some things that I have admitted that I will never understand. How a satellite works, would be one. I understand that a "signal" is sent into outer space ect. I just know that when  Mr. Satellite or whoever invented that process,is thinking on a different level than I am. I guess we all have our strengths. 

One thing I may never understand is the way some gamblers think.If you ask most gamblers, they would tell you that they gamble 70% for fun and 30% to win money. If they are honest, those #s are more like 80-20. The point is that realistic gamblers that walk into a casino understand it is HARD to win money.

That is why when I prove to my clients that I can help them make money I am confused by their hesitation to sign up.

Here is what I mean...

This season I decided to offer a MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL only package. You get the entire season of MNF selections for only $99.00!!That is a great deal. Last season I went 18-3 on Monday nights. I thought this would be a great way to allow a guy that didn't think he could afford to sign up to get some selections to win at least on Mondays. Most people that will lose all week on their own but because they are getting my winning selections on Monday nights will see they cant afford not to sign up and get the rest of the selections.  This package was very popular and about 200 clients took advantage of this great Monday night deal.

Well, even after a 15-4 start this season on Monday nights, I still have some of these guys that haven't signed up for a monthly or season package. I don't understand this behavior!  I suppose there are a few guys that only bet on Monday nights. If that is the case, I understand. For most I suspect their week goes something like this...

They lose $55.00 on Thursday.  Maybe they win $50.00 on Fridays.  Some Saturdays they win and lose on Sunday or maybe the other way around.  By Monday morning on most weeks these guys are down somewhere between $50.00 and $300.00 bucks.

Then, the Fat Jack Monday night selection swoops in like Superman to save the day. With a 15-4 record you can see that MOST weeks we win and some weeks we go 2-0 on Mondays.

 Now this is where I get confused. If it was me I would see that after being thirsty for a winning week since Thursday, it took the fat Jacks Monday night package to finally give me water! I would say " boy I sure would like to drink the winning selections ALL WEEK LONG!!"  " maybe I should call 1-800-298-1383 or go to and sign up for a ALL YOU CAN DRINK BUFFET for less than $7.00/selection."

I guess if everyone won money betting on games than there wouldn't be anyone to take the bets but I do wish those guys that were smart enough to sign up for that MNF deal would decide winning is better than losing and sign up for the bowl package before I have a bad run on Mondays and they die of thirst.

BTW, we won again last Monday AND are 1-0 in hoops this week. Sign up and get water logged by Christmas.

Friday, December 7, 2007


I am excited about this weekend.

There are a few things I really love about being a parent. One of them is the fact that I really feel like I can teach them a few things that will help them be better people. This weekend I get to give a lesson that I think is VERY important and one that I struggle with myself.

We are all given a lot of blessings and this is the time of the year we all need to reflect on those blessings. For example..

I am thankful that my daughter isn't one of those girls I wrote about in my last blog!

I am thankful that I haven't lost ALL of my hair yet. I few years ago it looked like I would be bald by now BUT I stopped losing my hair and for that I am thankful.


I am thankful that they make jeans that fit me. I use to wear 52-30 pants. Try getting those at Dillards. I now wear 42-32 and for that I am thankful.

This weekend my kids and I are going to go buy presents for people that are less fortunate than we are. It is hard to make kids see that there are people that don't have the things they need.

I think this is a great way to help them understand how lucky they are. I tell them that they are blessed and that I let them eat my food and live in my house. While I spend the time we have together shopping, I will be explaining to them that it is a CHOICE that I make to allow them to live with my wife and I. AND that they better be nice or I may change my mind. I didn't read this theory in any parenting books but it works for me.

Count your blessings this weekend.

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!

Well, I have now seen it all. Before I get into this entry, I want to warn ALL of you. I consider myself a pretty normal guy that has an open mind about most things. My blog entries are usually about normal stuff i.e. football, meercats and little league. I couldn't sleep tonight and so I started looking around the internet for some stuff on the bowls. Well in the most horrible game of "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon" you can imagine, I stumbled onto this...

I went to got the info and then decided to go to While looking around there I was drawn to something on called "2 girls 1 cup reaction". This is where it gets harry!!

I went to and watched these normal people reacting to something that seemed to be the most horrible thing they had ever seen. After watching about 4 or 5 peoples reaction to whatever "2 girls 1 cup " was I couldn't help but to want to watch it myself. Even though every bone in my body told me to turn off the computer and not watch. Even though their reaction was awful. Even though some of the people threw up while watching, Even though some people physically couldn't watch..I HAD TO KNOW WHAT THEY WERE WATCHING!!!

I'm a big boy, how bad could it be?

Well let me tell you, it can be really bad!

I am telling you again, this is not for children,adults, men,women or anyone.

If you are easily offended, don't watch.

If you have a weak stomach, don't watch.

If you are anyone that hasn't already watched...DON'T WATCH!!!

So at 1:20 am on Thursday night I went to this website ( website not listed because material is too offensive) and watched.

If curiosity has gotten the best of you and you HAVE to view the worst thing on the web, you can probably figure out the name of the website or email me @ and I will give it to you. I want you to think about what you are doing so I am not going to list it.


Ok, if you must go watch, do yourself a favor and first go to and watch other peoples reaction to this.

Now for those of you that were strong enough to NOT go and watch, I want to wish you a great weekend and tell you that we are 2-0 in football this week and are 4-2 in hoops this week AND because you had the strength to not be tempted to watch, you have earned a double scoop of ice cream after dinner tonight. Forget about your diet and eat up! You have earned it.

Some of you will ask "Jack, if you hate this soooo much, why put it on your blog?"

The answer is simple. It is 3 am. I now can't go to sleep. The images are burned in my brain and there are some messed up freaky people out there. I think all of you need to be aware of, I am going to go in and kiss my babies on the head and thank God I am not involved in that freaky stuff!

For those of you that watched, all I can say is I am sorry, I told you not to watch and I will never do research for the bowl games after 1am again.

I cant go to sleep now and am questioning everything I know about human behavior!

Have a good weekend,glad I could help you all see how normal YOU really are.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


In my last entry, the letters when I was writing the blog were much more slanted than they transferred over to this page.

To better understand my frustration with the slanted letters I would ask you to go back and read the previous entry but this time lean your head to the right until your ear touches your shoulder.Although this may cause you to have a "crick" in your neck, I think it will better illustrate the drastic slant in the letters I was having to deal with when writing the last blog entry.

I will wait while you read it again with your head tilted to the right.....

I hope that clears it up.


 I went to Dallas yesterday to look @ a new car.   What in the hell is going on with my font!!?  I hate computers, I sat down to compare some of the things I saw in Dallas to Oklahoma and I must have hit a button on my computer because my letters are slanted now!  I don't know what I did to get them slanted so I sure the hell cant get them unslanted!  I think it should be much harder to get your letters changed than it is. What if this was a very important letter, to a very important person who HATED slanted letters? I would have to shut down the computer and start over. All of this because the brilliant people that made computers thought it would be nice to be able to change the way your letters look simply be breathing on the keyboard!!! 

It looks like I am writing something that belongs in the Bible!!   

.....and John looked at the cup and said drink in thy name as it ....  

See what I mean.

I have lost the inspiration. Dallas was fine Oklahoma is fine blah blah blah.

We did win Monday night, We Went 3-1 last Saturday and won an extra unit with Washington +14 over Hawaii.Get signed up and I am going to ask geeves how to fix this stupid Bible font. Talk to you tomorrow.