Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Well, I want to wish all of you a merry Christmas. I arrived in Orlando yesterday to spend the holidays with my family that flew down here last week when I headed to Vegas for the Las Vegas bowl.

Speaking of Vegas. I decided to take my father to Vegas with me. I was mainly raised by my mother as my parents divorced when I was young. In recent years my dad and I have grown a lot closer. What he lacked in being a father he MORE than makes up for with my kids. He is a great grandfather and for that I am thankful. I decided to take him so we could have some "quality" one on one time. That may have been a mistake. I love him a lot but apparently in recent years he has lost his freakin mind! like a lot of you, I am adjusting to my parents getting older and the changes that come with that. When you consider he is a simple Oklahoman that doesn't travel much and the fact that years of drinking ETC. have altered his mind, it was a recipe for disaster. I gave him a few hundred dollars to play with. He was broke in about 3 hours. I gave him a couple hundred more along with a strong warning that he needed to make it last. He was broke by 10pm. What made it worse is that my selections were 9-1 last week and it never crossed his mind to put a few dollars on those winners!! When dinner came around, I said "hey dad, how about stepping away from the wheel of fortune machine and lets go eat." "What sounds good?" His response, " Is there a place we can get a couple of hamburgers and a carton of milk?" I don't know how many of you have enjoyed the culinary excellence Vegas has to offer but it is harder than you think to find a great burger and milk joint. He went to bed around 7pm and woke up at 4am wanting a big breakfast. I went to bed around 2am and woke up around 10am not giving a crap about breakfast. Eggs are eggs! Who cares where we eat breakfast!!!

Overall, I am glad I took him. We dont spend as much time together as we should and this was a trip we will both always remember. That is what the holidays are suppose to be about. Making memories. Merry Christmas. I will make another entry tomorrow. I have had a lot going on and want to catch you up.