We are right at the 1 year anniversary of this blog. I am sure most of you have the exact date posted on your calender.lol. for the most part I have enjoyed sharing parts of my life and have received literally 10s of emails from people saying they enjoy reading it. I did want to take a second to explain my blatant disregard for the English language while writing each week. I have been asked many times to have someone proofread the blog. My wife " Mrs Fat Jack" has an English degree,and has volunteered on numerous occasions to look over each entry and make the necessary changes. Some tell me that, when I write incorrectly, it makes me sound "uneducated" or even "stupid". I have considered all of this and yet I do nothing to make the blog more "grammatically friendly" for the scores of readers. Why? Why do I do this? Well, it is actually a very simple explanation. I honestly don't care. I honestly couldn't care less if those people that read this blog worry or think about all of the errors I have left behind. Truth is, I hated English. I never cared what a gerund or a participle was. I wasn't interested in the fact that compound sentences were a bad thing. Oh, I cared enough to pass. I cared enough to stay eligible and compete in athletics. I cared enough to finish College but I don't care enough to go back and correct a blog entry and honestly I would feel a little bit vein if I did. Think about it, knowing it isn't a strength of mine, I decide to write a blog and then either pay or waste someones time to go back and proof it? Is what I have to say THAT important? Is it so earth shattering that if I don't use the correct contraction or miss a period then the readers will somehow not get all they can from the entry? the truth is, I am happy,nae, flattered that most of you would take time to come and check in for the updates of my fourth grade football team or the fact I ate too much at the state fair but if you are someone that is REALLY bothered about my grammar then maybe it isn't me that has the problem, maybe you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself, why do I care? Why does it bother me? And if it does bother me why in the hell do I keep coming back and reading this idiots entries!? For those of you that are saying " but Jack, if people think you are stupid or dont have good grammar, they might not sign up for your service." If you are one of those people, then the joke is on you. You truly don't understand what I do or how good I am at it. It would be like you being lost in the desert and I own the only water store. You walk up and say " Im not buying water from this stand because he spelled water, wataaerezasr." If you need water, you buy it from me. Most people that sign up for my service do so because I offer them something that they cant get anywhere else. SUCCESS. The ability to turn a profit while betting on sporting events. NOBODY does that better than I do and it wouldn't matter if I was the dumbest person in the world, my clients would still sign up because I MAKE THEM MONEY. So don't worry about me, as long as people gamble on sports, I will be fine. And if they ever stop playing I can always go write a book about how to get people to read your blog even if they don't gamble and you have bad grammar. I will use a ghost writer for that.
If you are betting on the games, sign up today and have a great weekend. Jack