Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Well, it has been VERY busy the last couple of days. The new month means the clients that signed up for 30 days are set to renew. I am happy to say that out of the 835 clients that were having to pay for the new month, all but 16 decided that winning was a good idea as we head into October. Starting the year winning is a great thing and October is normally our best month of the football season. The clients that waited to sign up now instead of at the beginning of the season missed a great start and are typically down on the year but it isn't too late to make them a lot of money this season. A long way to go. I always say, it is a marathon and not a sprint. Not that important how we do in one month, but how we finish the season.
I had a meeting today with the production people for some TV commercials we will be running for some poker events this winter at the Lucky Star so get ready for my ugly face to invade the commercial breaks during your favorite shows.
 For those of you that are keeping up with my 4th grade tackle football saga and the developing feud between myself and Roosevelt08mom. I have some news... after some negations between the parties and some  concessions by both sides, the "developing conflict" has been resolved.  I offered up an apology for offending some of the parents and players at Roosevelt Elementary and encouraged a symbolic " sportsmanship embrace" before our next meeting. The ARPOTTFTTHTFJA or their more familiar name,  Angry Roosevelt Parents Of Their Tackle Football Team That Hate The Fat Jack  Association, through their leader, Roosevelt08mom have declined the invitation to meet for an embrace but sent me this email 
Dear Jack,
We wanted to let you know that the email was not written by one person, but was a collaborative effort on the part of several mom's who were not amused by the constant abuse of our team and coach on your radio show and blog.  We do not believe that issues regarding our children are  always appropriate topics for public talk radio.  The "idiot, jackass, stupid" dad that ACCIDENTIALLY caught the ball in the air made a simple mistake.  He, just as you and all the other dad's out there are volunteers who do not derserve constant ridicule when they make a mistake...and neither do you!  We owe you an apology for the nasty things that were said in the email, it shouldn't have been an attack on you, but rather on your behavior.  Sorry!

The email was sent to simply say--Let's keep the focus on the reason we are ALL out there--the boys who so look up to us for example!  Although we may not meet you on the fifty-yard line for the very tempting "sportsmanship embrace," we would be happy to wave to you from the sidelines!  See you in the playoffs!

Let this be a lesson for the leaders of the countries around the world.  If the parents from Roosevelt Elementary and a Jackass coach from Truman can come together and bury their differences so that all parties can benefit and have a more enjoyable football season. Anything is possible.