Sunday, May 31, 2009

More bad luck but great picks

Well,my last entry was about a ,what turned out to be a ,10 hour boat ride. After running over an unmarked sand bar,I limped twards ft myers all day. It was a beautiful trip but as the sun went down and the 9th hour wrapped up, I was sick of beautiful and just wanted the day to be over. As it turned out my day was far from over. As darkness set in I turned into the inlet. I had been given sketchy directions from a hot girl in the marina when the sun was up and which required light to read the numbers on the channel markers. It was dark and my son and I were very tired so we were going to try and make it. Here is where it gets sad..
I entered the channel and tried to spot the markers thru the darkness. With no luck I resorted to following the directions on my gps. As I headed to the channel given on my boat gps , I was not aware of a very important piece of info. About 10 days ago the channel into the resort collapsed! This means shallow water in the dark!! As I get into the channel, my depth finder showed 1.6ft of water. I need 4.2 feet of water in my 55'boat. I was stuck on the sand bar for about an hour trying to get free. With the help of some drunk teenagers and my 10 year old first mate,we got the boat free around 11pm. I pulled into the marina and guess what, no power!! That is a bad beat after a horrible day!! We get the power back around 1am and I went to bed. I woke up to the knock of the hillbilly that was going to replace my props and started my day. I was sure it was going to get better and took the family for breakfast. As I am eating an egg sandwich I feel the crown on my back lower right tooth break off! Yes, a crown that looked like a thumb tack broke off during breakfast! I called my dentist and he told me I needed to find the hole in my mouth that the nail attached to the crown went in. In other words, amateur dentistry! Nothing I enjoy more than to challenge myself with a little sunday morning self dentistry. After about 15 min of trying,I found the hole (that's what she said) and got my tooth back in. Not sure for how long but things are looking up.
On a happier note,I predicted the lakers and orlando to go to the finals before the series started and lots of my clients and I got the magic at 5-1 so lots of extra profit. Lots of guys taking advantage of the early bird value prices and are signing up for the fall. If you are going to be betting this fall,now is the time to save some money and get signed up. The 5 to 1 orlando series price winners are free with your commitment to the fall.
Have a good week!!
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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Daddy trip and first minor snag!!

Well, I'm in florida on daddy trip with jackson and thing have been going great. We bought fishing poles and a bike to prepare for our journey to ft meyers today. We went to the store and got cokes,chips and other stuff he likes to eat when moms not around.
Then at 8am we shoved off.
Things were going great. We ate chips and root beer for breakfast. We were the kings of the sea! We decided to turn in to sarasota for lunch. I apparently cut the turn a little close and my water level went from 10 feet to 2 feet instantly and I heard those familiar bells going off that meant we were grounding!!!!unbelievable!!! We limped into the marine max service center and ,since I have done it before,I knew we had bent a prop. I can tell when I bend one by the way the boat drives. Since it is the weekend we decided to have the prop diver meet us in ft meyers tomorrow and we are making the 50 mile trip going 7 knots (apx 7 miles per hour) son of a b#**#!! Looks like we will be getting in a touch late. The good news is,it is beautiful and my son is use to this type of stuff. Just part of the journey I guess. There are worst places to be.
Btw,just looked off the back of the boat and my son was urinating in the ocean. Gotta love daddy trip. Have a good weekend.
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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Nba playoffs,schools out,daddy trip

Well, I have been back from vegas for about 2 weeks and have been very busy during that time. We had a very successful poker tournament at the clinton lucky star casino. Over 150 people showed up for the 3 day event and we gave a seat to the world series of poker in vegas to the winner of the main event. Lots of fun and a great way to start memorial weekend.

Although we have had a lot of rain, we have been playing a lot of baseball over the last couple of weeks. My 10 year old is on a team of great kids that are also good athletes but this is their first year to play baseball together and for some of them their first year of baseball ever. I will tell you that this team started the season years behind the elite 10 year old teams that have been playing together since they were 3 years old but by the end of the season,we were already competitive with most teams and won a lot of games. This is my first bit of evidence that those of you that started sports as soon as your kids could walk have been wasting your time. It also is a sign that I am probably correct when I have said that those kids with parents that want to live thru their kids athletics and play 65 games a year when you are 4 and 5 years old need to enjoy it now because their kids won't be playing when they get older. They will burn out and get injured. The fact our team of bush men kids could make up years of games by other kids in just a couple of months is evidence to the philosophy that if you were a bad athlete and never reached your sports goals, then chances are,unfortunately your kids are going to end up on a similar path. Btw,our team didn't have a bunch of all stars either, just a good group of parents and an even better group of kids.

The nba playoffs are going great. We are winning 6 out of every 7 days!! Yes, you read that correctly. For those of you that say " but jack,I hate betting on the nba"or for that matter, those of you that have stocks,money market funds etc. and also bet on games, how would 9-1,8-1,8-1 feel the last 4 weeks? Think about it, a 100.00 player has made 2300.00 over the last month! I bet some of you could learn to like betting on the nba if you were seeing those kinds of numbers. Shoot, I would learn to love the wnba if it was paying me like that.

Jackson (my 10 year old son) and are leaving on our daddy trip today. This is one of my favorite weeks of the year. I have talked a lot about daddy trips over the years in this blog so I won't go back over it. I will tell you that this trip will take place on the fat n sassy 111 and may have some great moments. I promise to blog with anything that is interesting and if I happen to ground the boat,(but I won't) I promise to write while I am waiting on sea tow. I will have a bunch of days over the next month where we will be on the boat for 2 or 3 hours so I should have time to update you on our happenings. For those of you that say"jack,must be nice to have a yacht. Wish I had a boat like that." Remember, I offer to sell you my selections almost everyday for about 2.00 per selection so the way I see it,you have nobody to blame but yourself.

Enjoy your money market fund.

Have a good week and I will check in soon. Let me know if you want to get on board.
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Friday, May 15, 2009

I am on my way back from vegas and the world series of poker. I had a great time but am ready to come home. The tournament was a lot of fun. I didn't play great but did well enough gambling with my opponents that I got 2nd in my "pod" that was good for 8500.00 so I was happy. Like a lot of things I was left wondering what might have been. The guy that beat me wasn't any better of a player than I and he went on to get 3rd in the whole event. That made him 75,000.00. That is a lot better than 8500. He was a great guy and I was happy to see he did so well. Here is how I got knocked out.
On number 14 I made a 10 foot birdie for 16k and knocked out the remaining player in our group. Over the next few holes, I got my total up to 21,000.00 my opponent had 29,000. On #17 ,a 520 yard par 5, the ante was 3600.00 each. I hit my drive apx 300 yards and had 220 in to the green. Kj had 260 in to the green. He bet 5,000.00 and I raised all in. He called. He layed up to about 100 yards and I decided to hit a 4 iron because I hadn't been hitting my irons great and was planning for a slight miss hit. As luck would have it, I hit my first 4 iron of the day on the screws and the ball hit about 3 feet from the hole and bounced over the green into a terrible spot. Kj hit is ball to about 25 feet. Remember,I need to at least tie the hole or I am done. I try and play a safer shot, so I can give myself a chance at birdie and at least be able to make par. The ball ends up just off the green about 30 feet from the hole. Kj then steps up and makes his 25 footer! Ouch!! I hit a great putt(for me) that hits half the hole and ends up 6 inches away. I hit it a little hard or it might have gone in. Oh well, I will get them next year. I will let you know when it is going to be on tv. They said 13 shows on wgn this summer so I should get some air time.

The rest of the trip was good. I took mrs fat jack to see the show love at the mirage. It is a must see if you are coming to vegas. In fact, go to joes stone crab in the forum shops at Caesars and then to love and I guarantee you a good evening.

Nba playoffs and the preakness this weekend. I can't wait to get home and see my kids.

Have a great weekend.

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Saturday, May 9, 2009


Well, I am back from Florida. My meetings went really well and I am pretty confident I didn't get pig flu on the plane. Actually, I only saw 3 masks total! I had prepared my children that there were probably going to be people in Houston( at the airport) and in Florida that were wearing masks. I told them that there was a doctor convention and all of the doctors were showing off by wearing their masks in the airports and around town. Seriously, I called it pretty early on that everyone was over reacting about swine flu. The only people dying were in a city of like 5 gazillion people  ( Mexico City ) and babies and very old people.  Those categories die of lots of stuff every day! I bet if we added up the deaths each year by athletes foot each year, it will be more than swine flu. I bet if we add up the number of people that were trampled by an elephant each year, that number is also greater than PF(pig flu.) If you think about it, the pigs are getting a pretty raw deal in this whole thing. After all, pigs are awesome. They don't give us ANYTHING bad. Pigs are the inventor of Bacon for Gods sake! Nothing is better than that. There is no way an animal that produces something so awesome as bacon could be responsible for something that takes out a whole population. I am not a doctor but think about it.
I have decided that Tampa Bay is the best place in the world for new sayings. If I owned a T shirt company, I would have an office in Tampa. Every time I leave Tampa, I have seen a new saying that sticks with me. This time I saw..
1. On a Church billboard, it said   " stop, drop and roll wont work in Hell!"   Now if that doesn't say it all, I don't know what does.
then I saw, and feel free to steal this one..
2. A bumper sticker that said  "  who lit the fuse on your tampon? "   - WOW!  Now for everyone that is now highly offended, there are 10 people that are trying to figure out where they can work that in a conversation.
I think am just going to make up a shirt that simply says... SWINE FREE.
I think that might help a lot.
I leave Monday for the World Series of Golf.  Now, I am not playing great but I have had signs of getting it together. I shot 74 at a pretty hard course and then 80 at a shorter course that always seems to give me trouble. A lot like the handicapping contest last fall,(that I had the best national record in) I do feel like I am going to do well this week.   I will let you know.
My picks are going EXCELLENT!!  I have turned a profit the last 4 weeks, going 8-1 last week and am 6-1 this week so far. WE ARE HOT!!!  Not too late to get in on the NBA run and get the best prices of the year for fall football. We are going to have a huge season so don't miss out!!!!  
I will check in from Vegas later this week. Happy Mothers Day.