Although we have had a lot of rain, we have been playing a lot of baseball over the last couple of weeks. My 10 year old is on a team of great kids that are also good athletes but this is their first year to play baseball together and for some of them their first year of baseball ever. I will tell you that this team started the season years behind the elite 10 year old teams that have been playing together since they were 3 years old but by the end of the season,we were already competitive with most teams and won a lot of games. This is my first bit of evidence that those of you that started sports as soon as your kids could walk have been wasting your time. It also is a sign that I am probably correct when I have said that those kids with parents that want to live thru their kids athletics and play 65 games a year when you are 4 and 5 years old need to enjoy it now because their kids won't be playing when they get older. They will burn out and get injured. The fact our team of bush men kids could make up years of games by other kids in just a couple of months is evidence to the philosophy that if you were a bad athlete and never reached your sports goals, then chances are,unfortunately your kids are going to end up on a similar path. Btw,our team didn't have a bunch of all stars either, just a good group of parents and an even better group of kids.
The nba playoffs are going great. We are winning 6 out of every 7 days!! Yes, you read that correctly. For those of you that say " but jack,I hate betting on the nba"or for that matter, those of you that have stocks,money market funds etc. and also bet on games, how would 9-1,8-1,8-1 feel the last 4 weeks? Think about it, a 100.00 player has made 2300.00 over the last month! I bet some of you could learn to like betting on the nba if you were seeing those kinds of numbers. Shoot, I would learn to love the wnba if it was paying me like that.
Jackson (my 10 year old son) and are leaving on our daddy trip today. This is one of my favorite weeks of the year. I have talked a lot about daddy trips over the years in this blog so I won't go back over it. I will tell you that this trip will take place on the fat n sassy 111 and may have some great moments. I promise to blog with anything that is interesting and if I happen to ground the boat,(but I won't) I promise to write while I am waiting on sea tow. I will have a bunch of days over the next month where we will be on the boat for 2 or 3 hours so I should have time to update you on our happenings. For those of you that say"jack,must be nice to have a yacht. Wish I had a boat like that." Remember, I offer to sell you my selections almost everyday for about 2.00 per selection so the way I see it,you have nobody to blame but yourself.
Enjoy your money market fund.
Have a good week and I will check in soon. Let me know if you want to get on board.
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