Well, I'm in florida on daddy trip with jackson and thing have been going great. We bought fishing poles and a bike to prepare for our journey to ft meyers today. We went to the store and got cokes,chips and other stuff he likes to eat when moms not around.
Then at 8am we shoved off.
Things were going great. We ate chips and root beer for breakfast. We were the kings of the sea! We decided to turn in to sarasota for lunch. I apparently cut the turn a little close and my water level went from 10 feet to 2 feet instantly and I heard those familiar bells going off that meant we were grounding!!!!unbelievable!!! We limped into the marine max service center and ,since I have done it before,I knew we had bent a prop. I can tell when I bend one by the way the boat drives. Since it is the weekend we decided to have the prop diver meet us in ft meyers tomorrow and we are making the 50 mile trip going 7 knots (apx 7 miles per hour) son of a b#**#!! Looks like we will be getting in a touch late. The good news is,it is beautiful and my son is use to this type of stuff. Just part of the journey I guess. There are worst places to be.
Btw,just looked off the back of the boat and my son was urinating in the ocean. Gotta love daddy trip. Have a good weekend.
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