I am currently 10 miles east of boca raton,florida heading south for the keys. lobster mini season starts tuesday and we are meeting my wives aunt there for a few days. I have had a great summer that started with a 16-4 finish in the nba playoffs and is ending with a building excitement for football season. I wrote an article for a preseason southeastern conference football magazine that talked about future odds to win the national championship and another article about a playoff system. I will post both of those this week to the "in the news" part of the website. That will give those of you that are wanting to bet on the 2010 bcs championship my info on the subject. I have been spending more and more time working on the football season and I will tell you, I think it is going to be a great season for my clients and I. Some seasons are easier to get ready for than others and with some key trades in the nfl and other factors in ncaa football,I expect a huge season. Not to mention that I will also be coaching my sons 5th grade football team. I don't think it was a coincidence we had a huge year and I was spending a little of my time teaching tomorrows players. Not to mention,I had a great time.
There is a storm up ahead and I am not positive what I need to do to get around it so I will cut this entry short and talk to you soon.
For those of you waiting to sign up for the fall, prices go up after 8-1 so sign up today because the early bird gets the worm.
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