Just left duck key where we had a good time lobster hunting. It started a bit slow the first day and I was threatening to ban lobster season and ask for my 20 bucks back for the license. I was going to open unicorn season in my back yard and charge 20 bucks to make my money back from a few hopeful souls but on day 2 we got into some lobsters. We caught about 20 but only 4 were big enough to keep. We would have had 2 more but after being stopped in my dingy by the keys wildlife officers and given a warning for keeping undersized lobsters ,we threw them back. I swear the officer that wrote my warning was the same guy that fined me 45k when I accidentally ran my boat into the john pennicamp national park near key largo a few years ago but he said he would have remembered that. Still all in all a great week.
Its about time to go back to oklaoma and get ready for a huge month. Football starts in a few weeks and I am ready. My clients made a lot ,and I mean a lot of money last season and this season feels a lot like last one did at this time. I am ready to go.
We have a poker tournament in clinton next week. The fat jacks dog days of summer poker classic is always a big favorite and I am expecting a huge turnout.
Get signed up before the weekend and take advantage of the early bird prices for the fall. Prices go up this weekend.
Have a great day!!
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