Friday, August 14, 2009

Back from chicago and michael vick

I am back from a short trip to chicago. I went up there for some business/pizza. It was my first time in chicago and I have to say,I really enjoyed it. If new york city,san franscisco and dallas had a baby,it would be chicago. The people are friendly and I was amazed at how clean a place it was. I wasn't all that impressed with the pizza. I guess I am a joes taco pizza kind of guy but I did have the best time ever at a baseball game. I have a client that has first row seats right next to first base at the cubs games. It was the first time I had been to a cubs game and to be that close was awesome! I took my 10 year old and we had a great time.

Michael vick signed with philly this week and I am amazed at the reactions of some fans. Frankly, I have been amazed at the reactions and punishments given to him by both the nfl and the court system. Now before you label me a dog killer,let me say, I hate everything about what vick did. I have owned lots of dogs and can't imagine why anyone would want to fight them for fun or money. That being said, I just think that punishments should be consistent with the crimes committed. Ask yourself this, if you had to decide which of the following was going to happen, which would you choose?
1. A 300 lb man was going to break the nose,arm and jaw of a woman you have never met.
2. A dog was going to be killed.

Which would you pick? Option 1 or 2.

I wouldn't want to pick either option either but what if you had to choose one of them.

For me its simple. I would pick # 2. In fact, I would give up my own animal before I would want a person to be hurt. Again, neither are good. Both are horrible but I think one is worse than the other. If you pick option 2 then you either think that over 20 pro athletes per year need to be suspended for their seasons and put in jail for at least 6 months for assault and battery or you think vicks punishment was too harsh. Right now there is a chicago black hawks player that beat up a cab driver in buffalo and I promise you he isn't going to spend 1 night in jail. Again, what michael vick did was horrible but I am a christian man that believes in forgiveness and second chances. If vick keeps his nose clean and stays out of trouble I hope the public will start to look at this guy as a man that made a mistake and has paid for his crime and stop looking at him as the poster boy for all that is wrong in the world. Just my opinion.

The preseason nfl season is underway and I have gotten hot in baseball 4-0 this week! Guys are getting signed up for the fall football packages and we are less than 3 weeks away from the regular season. If you're going to bet on the games ,make this season different! Stop losing! Start winning! No more picking up the paper and guessing who might win. We are going to have another big season and you can make money with us by playing my selections. My return last season killed the stock market and even the best mutual funds. Invest a little and make a lot. That is what my clients do and we are starting this weekend with preseason nfl selections.

Get signed up and have a great weekend.
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