Ok, I have a problem. Not with the picks, things are going well but something much much larger.
This thursday is the second day of ultimate fat jack football and poker classic. I have a tournament to host/play in at 7pm. I have been working on this for about 2 or 3 months. Kind of a big deal to me. Well, I found out today that I also have the first game of the season for my sons 5th grade tackle football team! Worst case!
Now at first you might think the answer is simple. Promotion I have been working on for 3 months vs. 5th grade football. Seems like an easy choice ,right? Wrong! First of all, I am the offensive coordinator/head coach of the team. What kind of message an I sending if I don't show to the first game? Its like, "hey kids, I want you to practice 3 times a week, hitting your friends ,putting in the time,sweating and bruising your little bodies, and I will be there with you unless something more important comes up!?" I am not going to do that! I have told these boys we are in this together and I mean it! I am still working on how I am not going to be at a poker event that is called the "fat jack" poker tournament but I do think that if most of the players in the event really thought about it and put their selves in my shoes they would somehow pick the same thing.
Maybe not but it s the right decision for me.
I think I can do all of the prework at the casino, get everything ready and then leave at 6pm to drive the 45 minutes to norman to coach and then be back by 10pm to wrap things up for the evening.
It is a 4 day event so I don't think overall it will be a huge deal and if it is then I still choose 5th grade football. I have a commitment to these kids that in my opinion is much greater than business,poker,promotions etc.
Btw, we are playing monroe. Here is the line
Truman -7
Total of 21 1/2
I will let you know how everything goes.
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