You find yourself worrying about the duke vs ul monroe football score when you are suppose to be watching your daughters piano recital, you might need to sign up.
Your wife wanted to make love, and you asked if you could leave the hawaii game on television for those 4 minutes. You might need to get signed up.
You punched your brother-in-law in the face for cheering for michigan because you needed penn st to get you back to even on the week. You might need to get signed up.
You have ever thought about how much is in your daughters piggy bank ,when it was time to pay your bookie...it might be time to get signed up.
Your wife came home and said she got you a new book and you replied "honey,I still owe tony 2k from last week." ....its probably time.
If you have to hide your gambling from your wife/girlfriend. Its time to sign up. Remember,its not the gambling she hates...its the losing.
If you have ever watched women's table tennis or the spelling bee on espn for more than an hour because you were waiting to see the brown vs columbia score to see if you owed this week. It might be time to sign up.
If you have ever had to explain to your wife why you lost a small import car over the weekend. ...time to sign up.
And finally,
If the guy at best buy knows you by name because you buy 5 or 6 tv remote controls per season... It is probably time to get signed up.
Give me a call and I will show you a whole new way to look at sports gambling!!!
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