Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Should I stay or should I go....

I am sitting on a plane on my way to Vegas. Now, that seems pretty harmless but for me, this time of year, at this point in my life it is a real struggle. Here's what I mean. I am going to Vegas for a meeting that I really don't have to do now, it is just important I do it before I go to Florida for the summer, in June. There is also a couple of poker tournaments going on this week and I can play in those also. I have very little going on the next few days in Oklahoma so in theory it seems like an easy decision. Well, it would be for someone that isn't codependant. I use to have no troube flying off for a couple of days when the kids were younger but now that they are a bit older, I have become a lunatic! I have a really tough time going on trips that are not "essential". Now when I start the process of deciding rather to go or not, I am pretty sane. I start with the pros and cons. On this trip that list looked something like this..

Pros- I get to go to Vegas.
- I get to eat really nice dinners and get my meeting out of the way.
- I get to play (and possibly win money ) during the week.

Cons to going- my kids and wife will miss me.
- I will miss jacks baseball practice
... And .... Well that's about all. I will be back by Thursday and I can obviously handicap nba from Vegas just like at home.

Seems like an easy decision so I book the trip.

Then.. The 2 hours before the flight is getting ready to leave it begins . My list and my confidence in leaving starts to shift. I start making the new list and it looks something like this..

Cons to leaving- what if one of the kids falls and breaks something.
- what if the house burns down.
- what if I get to Vegas and get food poisioning?
- what if something gets bombed and I can't get home?

Pros to going- I weigh 300 pounds and the last thing I need is a good meal!!

You get the idea. Of course most of this battle is unrealistic and in my head so when I get this strange look on my face as my flight time approaches, my wife starts asking questions.

" ah jack, are you aware your flight leaves in an hour?"
" honey, are you still going to Vegas?"
" jack, the house isn't going to burn down! You might want to get in the car"

All valid points. Over the last 2 years when I have a trip like this scheduled , I actually get on the plane 40 percent of the time. As I said in the beginning , I am on the plane and heading west so this was an upset. I hope everything goes ok. God please don't give me food poisioning.

We are absoultly killing the books in hoops. We have won 5 out of every 6 weeks, we are on a 24-7 run and were 2-0 yesterday!! Things are great and the hoops clients are very happy. You can get the rest of the nba season for only 399.00 ! Have a good week, I will check in later.
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