Friday, December 7, 2007

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!

Well, I have now seen it all. Before I get into this entry, I want to warn ALL of you. I consider myself a pretty normal guy that has an open mind about most things. My blog entries are usually about normal stuff i.e. football, meercats and little league. I couldn't sleep tonight and so I started looking around the internet for some stuff on the bowls. Well in the most horrible game of "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon" you can imagine, I stumbled onto this...

I went to got the info and then decided to go to While looking around there I was drawn to something on called "2 girls 1 cup reaction". This is where it gets harry!!

I went to and watched these normal people reacting to something that seemed to be the most horrible thing they had ever seen. After watching about 4 or 5 peoples reaction to whatever "2 girls 1 cup " was I couldn't help but to want to watch it myself. Even though every bone in my body told me to turn off the computer and not watch. Even though their reaction was awful. Even though some of the people threw up while watching, Even though some people physically couldn't watch..I HAD TO KNOW WHAT THEY WERE WATCHING!!!

I'm a big boy, how bad could it be?

Well let me tell you, it can be really bad!

I am telling you again, this is not for children,adults, men,women or anyone.

If you are easily offended, don't watch.

If you have a weak stomach, don't watch.

If you are anyone that hasn't already watched...DON'T WATCH!!!

So at 1:20 am on Thursday night I went to this website ( website not listed because material is too offensive) and watched.

If curiosity has gotten the best of you and you HAVE to view the worst thing on the web, you can probably figure out the name of the website or email me @ and I will give it to you. I want you to think about what you are doing so I am not going to list it.


Ok, if you must go watch, do yourself a favor and first go to and watch other peoples reaction to this.

Now for those of you that were strong enough to NOT go and watch, I want to wish you a great weekend and tell you that we are 2-0 in football this week and are 4-2 in hoops this week AND because you had the strength to not be tempted to watch, you have earned a double scoop of ice cream after dinner tonight. Forget about your diet and eat up! You have earned it.

Some of you will ask "Jack, if you hate this soooo much, why put it on your blog?"

The answer is simple. It is 3 am. I now can't go to sleep. The images are burned in my brain and there are some messed up freaky people out there. I think all of you need to be aware of, I am going to go in and kiss my babies on the head and thank God I am not involved in that freaky stuff!

For those of you that watched, all I can say is I am sorry, I told you not to watch and I will never do research for the bowl games after 1am again.

I cant go to sleep now and am questioning everything I know about human behavior!

Have a good weekend,glad I could help you all see how normal YOU really are.