Monday, August 31, 2009

Game week!!!! and shaking hands

We are finally here. It has been a great summer but it is nice to finally be in the first week of real football this year! We have actually made some good money in the preseason but there is something to be said for the start of the season. We typically make a lot of money over the month of september and being able to win at something that most lose at is a special thing and makes me feel good. Thursday we are going to have at least 2 selections and by the end of the weekend will have about 8 games under our belt. I am starting to hear some of the other idiot handicappers on the air ways. I always cringe when I hear one of those guys offer their "opening weekend underdog ,game of the year!!!" On the air. They always end it with "absolutely free!!" Now of course most of you understand that if they actually had something worth giving,it wouldn't be free because they have rent also and they would charge for this glorious pick. Just watch, most of these guys really start with the ad blitz after the first week or so. Their tact is to appeal to those losers from the first week or so and get their last bit of money before they quit. My clients will most likely start out into profit and won't have to worry about catching up so I don't offer this "pie in the sky" game. Just 2 ways to conduct business.

There seems to be a big debate going on across the country on weather football teams should shake hands before their games. Are you kidding me? Seems to me that there is an obvious answer here.
The only reason you should have teams shake hands before the game is if you are going to give them weapons and make it a pay per view death match. Otherwise, the time to shake hands,like it has been since the beginning of little league is after the games. This does 2 things. It keeps the kids from beating the crap out of each other and possibly getting hurt before the game even starts and turning one of my selections from a winner to a loser and it forces the college football player to learn how to win and lose with grace. Too many 3rd string non athletic parents have been telling their kids that " you ,show no mercy." or " Hate your opponent when your on that field" for too long! Most of these jackasses have never won or lost anything so the fact they are shaping the kids/athletes of tomorrow is ridiculous. The fact is, you can "leave it all on the field" and still have some class when its over, win or lose. Making kids display this quality after the game seems to be the obvious thing that is missing from today's games. Not a half hearted hand slap before the game followed by some of the most violent hits on the planet. Oh well. Leave it to the same jackasses that run the only sport in the world without a playoff system to screw this one up also.

Sign up today and get all of the selections this season for the best price and also follow me on twitter for some extra free winners starting this week.

Enjoy the games!!!

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