Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I got into Vegas yesterday. Flight went OK although the 2 ladies behind me were yelling at each other the entire flight and then when we landed a girl across the isle form me started throwing up! I felt really bad for her and if you havent noticed they have stopped offering vomit bags in the seat pocket. You have to ask for them,which is hard to do while you are landing AND the vomit isnt going to wait. On second thought I made a pretty good situation out of what might be described as a BAD flight.

I went to the Rio after checking in and played in a 1030 satellite. THis is where 10 guys put in 1030.00 and the winner gets 10k.The  bad news is I flopped a set and lost to a rivered straight. The good news is I got into a 2k "last longer" with one of the only guys I beat. I then went and played 200-400 B.O.T.E. with Alan Gerring, Annon Phillipi and Chris Moneymaker. I won about 3k and decided to go to bed.

I couldnt sleep so I got up about 4AM PST and decided to go for a run on the strip. I have been working on being more healthy and headed for the strip. On my third stride I felt this pop and my calf started killing me! I turned around and limped back to the room,changed clothes and went and ate breakfast. So much for healthy. I may try riding a bike tomorrow in the health club here at the Wynn. That should be a train wreck.

One more note, I told you yesterday about Brant Hals. He got 23rd and made 28k so I made a bit and am going to back him in the main event so I can now cheer for me and Brant.
2-0 in baseball yesterday helped the total money won and am excited about a big day. I will try and update you tomorrow.