Monday, February 18, 2008


 Saturday I went the Lucky Star for a "Jack and Jill'" poker tournament. I played with one of the dealers out there and we finished fourth. It took about 6 hours and I made 1000.00. In the poker world you can play a long time and not make much money. I do these events for the competition more than the money.

 I had some free time yesterday after a winning day and decided to leave Norman around 3pm for Tulsa. They are having the Oklahoma State Poker Championships. I left for the 2 hour drive around 3pm so I would be able to play in Sundays event that started @ 6pm. I signed up for the Omaha 8 O/B event and we started playing. the problem with this event is it was a "limit" event and unless I am very unlucky was going to take a LONG time.  I didn't bother making a hotel reservation because I was thinking I would either get knocked out early or make it in the money and play most of the night. As luck would have it I was knocked out in 37th place at 2am. That is "no mans land" Too late to drive home but I wasn't tired and couldn't see getting a hotel room.   The great thing about poker (after midnight) is you get funny and different types of people. I don't mind conflict so it is funny to watch these insomniacs fight with each other. Last night I played with an arrogant kid named "Ben" he used to be a dealer and decided he was good enough to be a pro player and now travels the poker tour. I am all for guys reaching for the stars but when they are so insecure about their life that they become a jerk I do have a problem. I usually stay out of the classless banter that takes place in these overnight games but I was angry for being knocked out of the tournament and was frankly just trying to stay awake so I really enjoyed what happened. 

A drunk cowboy walked up and started hitting on the cute dealer at   our table.He was feeling really sexy in his drunken state, I could tell  he was a true ladies man and his pickup line didn't disappoint. "hey dealer, is their any way you might think about giving me your panties on your next break?" he confidently asks.  The dealer looked up at him with this evil stare as if to say " you are drunk and even if I wore panties I would never give them to you."  But she said nothing .He says " OK, I will just wait here " and sat down behind "Ben". Ben , feeling good about himself after winning another pot, says "hey dude, will you please not sit behind my chair?"  The cowboy says " how about I kick your @$%*&% little #$&?"   As I begin to laugh the cowboy and Ben look at me and ask what is so funny?  I said " I just think it is funny that out of nowhere, a drunk goat roper walks up to the table, asks for the dealers panties and then calls the biggest prick at the table a p%&$@. "  I was tired and couldn't quit laughing and started telling everyone that would walk up to the table that they just missed  a drunk hillbilly try and pick up a dealer by asking for her panties and then called "cocky Ben " everything in the book.

 Around 4am I decided to drive the 2 hours home and see my kids off to school.  After reading this I can now see it was one of those " you had to be there moments"  but it was very funny. Have a good week and I will check back in Wednesday.