Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I am home from Vegas and back to work. One of the great things about leaving is it makes you appreciate coming home. I REALLY missed my kids and was happy to see them.

 Vegas was OK. I have had better trips and far worse trips from a gambling aspect. This trip is always interesting because of the people that attend. Compared to past years, this  was a  pretty tame group. One year I had a guy attend that brought 2 girls he had just met at the race track. He was the type of guy that wouldn't have anyone to bring except a couple of girls he just met and they were the type of girls that would go with a stranger.  The next year I had a guy that bought hookers all weekend and paraded them around like he had won them at the blackjack table. When we got back his wife and kids met him at the airport. As you might expect all of the "normal" women that went on the trip were irate with his behavior and told his wife what he had been doing.   This year we had regular people and no "springer" incidents.

The trip is always better when we win the game. I hated the game and stated that to all of my clients but it is hard to "pass" on the biggest game of the season so I released New England. The good thing was that I went 13-5 last week in basketball so everyone that is playing the hoops didn't care about the Super Bowl. In fact I heard from a lot of guys that told me they respected the fact I didn't really have a great opinion on the game and they played NY because they liked them. Good for them, I always want my clients to win. My wife says New England didn't win because they are cheaters and Tom Brady left his pregnant girlfriend for a super model.  Maybe I should have placed more importance on the "karma" factor.

Not a lot of gambling stories from the trip. It seems every year I come home from this trip feeling more like I hosted a wedding instead of going on vacation. Oh well, there will be plenty of time to vacation, this was a trip to thank the people that help make my life better and to celebrate ANOTHER great football season.  Make plans now to attend next years trip, it is always a good time.