Monday, November 12, 2007


I am sorry for the delay on the blog updates. It is weird, I am not sure who is reading these entries but I do feel an obligation to keep them current. Lets start with the picks. 7-3 last week. For those of you that don't bet on the games, that is a good week. All of our wins were easy and all of all of the losses were easy. That is a good thing. The worst thing you can have is a game that looks great and then turns out to be a loss. That takes some of the fun out of gambling. It is better to have releases like Boise State over Utah State(Boise won by 50) and losses like S Miss over Memphis ( S Miss was a big favorite and lost the game.) Either way they were easy and when you have 7 wins and only 3 losses, that is a good week.

I coached my son in the Norman 8 year old flag football Super Bowl. Coaching this team has been quite a learning experience. I have talked about the behavior of some of the parents and other coaches but I will tell you that the team we played had great parents, players and the classiest coaches of any of the teams we faced. Let that be a lesson to all of you little league coaches, if you allow the kids to have fun and act like an adult, you may find yourself in the championship game. If you scream like a spoiled idiot when you are coaching you will probably find yourself watching the big game from the sidelines and being talked about in some idiots blog. The kids will keep reminding you that they are kids if you will just listen to them. We were getting ready to play the "big game" and I told our team we were going to quickly go over and listen to the National Anthem, the officials were going to go over a couple of things and then we were going to come back over to the field and " win a championship". I thought I had given a great speech that was sure to inspire and instruct our team all at the same time. When I was done with my speech, a hand rose from one of my players. I asked him what his question was. I was sure it would be about rather we were going on offense or where he would be playing in the game. He looked at me and said "Coach Fat Jack will there be snacks served at the flag thing?" I responded "Justin, I love where your head is at but regretfully, no snacks until after the game." The parents really care about the game but the kids are just looking for a good snack.

I went to Tulsa for a couple of reasons but only played a few hours of poker. There was a good $50.00 to $300.00 A-5 Triple Draw game and I did make some money. If you don't know what that means, it ok . You just haven't played a lot of cash game poker. Which for a lot of people is a good thing.

I will have another entry Wednesday as I have a few things I think will entertain. Have a good week and may all of your snacks be great this week.

Oh, for those of you that care , we did win the championship. My son got a big trophy and I wasn't crowned coach of the year. No big upset there.