Wednesday, November 14, 2007


This will be short and sweet. Basketball has started. For most people this isn't a big deal. For me it means a lot more work. Basketball is very profitable but has a lot more volatility than football. More risk but more reward. That formula means more pressure for me to get it right, and get it right early. Guys will try basketball but if you don't win early, they will jump off the train and only play the football selections. It is a long season and normally a very profitable one.

I am going to Knoxville tomorrow to meet some of my clients and do some pre-game radio for the Tenn vs. Vandy game. I am taking my 8 year old son and am very excited. We have never been to Tennessee but if they have a store where I can buy him all you can eat chips and all you can drink root beer, he is guaranteed to have a good time. I lost my first Monday night game in 8 weeks. I really enjoy the week a lot more when I win Monday nights. It makes the week better and a lead going into the weekend is a always a nice thing. The weekend card looks good so we have a good chance to have another winning week.

In the 'things I don't understand" file.- The lead story on the local news is the story of a skin head that went out and killed a homosexual that he had never met. Guys that decide to do this clearly haven't thought it through. I mean the skin heads were sitting around hating the thought of men having sex with each other. They put down their swastikas, grabbed a beer and went looking for a man that likes to have sex with another man. When they found one they stole his car, kidnapped him and killed him. If they had bothered to buy a television and turned on CSI they would have known they were going to get caught and be put on trial for murdering a man that has sex with other men. When convicted they are going to go spend the rest of their life in jail where they will, you guessed it .....have sex with other men. Talk about a bad circle of life!!