Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Well, Thanksgiving is over. That means 2 things. Bowl season is right around the corner and its time to start thinking about Christmas. I really think this is one of those situations that if you combined the best of Christmas, Hanukkah and Festivus you would have a better holiday for everyone. Jewish people have the best idea about presents. A gift each day for a couple of weeks is a much better idea than a lot of gifts on one day. If you have kids you know what I mean. It is hard to make kids see the value of the giving when all it seems like they are doing is receiving. The best part of Christmas is why we celebrate it. The birth of Jesus Christ is the best reason I can think of to shut down the banks and give most people the day off. I do love some of the qualities of Frank Costanza's Festivus. I mean poles are cheaper than trees and better for the environment and I would fair pretty well in the "feats of strength" part of the celebration. For those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about, rent season 2 of Seinfeld.

For those of you that are betting on the games you need to sign up now! We rebounded from our worst week in 3 seasons with another winning week. I have been pretty good over the last 10 seasons of following up bad weeks with good ones. I know a lot of you are thinking of quiting because of the holidays. Keep one thing in mind, It is not the betting your wife hates, its the losing. If you start winning, I promise you wife's view of your hobby will change.

Happy shopping and have a good week.