Saturday, June 28, 2008


I have had some time to relax over the last couple of days after 2 very busy weeks. I have been thinking about a few things.

1. Why is it that there is nothing to watch on TV in the summer.  I understand the shows have to take a break but you would think their would be some new shows the stations might want to try. I watched " I survived a Japanese Game Show" last week and I had to turn it off. I am all for the reality shows but the shows seem to be getting more extreme and in turn are getting bigger idiots because they are the only ones that will go on these shows. I come into contact with people every day that would be great to follow with a camera. You wouldn't have to "make them do anything" just turn on the camera and get out of the way.  I am looking forward to the fall TV season.

2. I have started running. I ran yesterday for about 20 min and again today for about 25 min.   I gained 3 lbs @!!!!  I am a little pissed off that I finally decided to lose some weight and the first thing that happens is that I go over 285!

3. They are raising the price of electric in Oklahoma. They are saying it is because of the rising cost of "everything" and they are passing the costs on to the consumer. Well, the last time I checked I didn't have a lot of options in who I will get my electric from. It isn't like the electric company is going broke! I would think they could leave the rates the same and JUST MAKE A LITTLE LESS!

Don't get me wrong, I am in a good place right now. I have already started working on the fall and am very excited about football season. I just had a few things I was thinking about and wanted to pass them on.

Poker Story from last week- I was playing 25-50-100 PLO with a 10k buy-in. I had A-10-10-5. The flop was K-10-3. There were 5 players that called before the flop that had all called 200.00 (1k total in the pot) The guy to my right bet 1k. I called. The guy to my left raised 4k, my right raised all in and so I called to put 38k in the pot.  I felt pretty good with middle set but probably would have folded if there weren't 31k in the pot before I called. Seat 1 turned over K-K and the other guy turned over Q-J for an open ended straight. the turn and river both missed and I was down 10k.  BAD BEAT!!!
It is pretty rare that you would flop "set over set" in a game like that but that is why they call it gambling. Don't worry, the poker stories get a bit better as the week went along. I will try and have another entry before I return to Vegas on Tuesday. Stay Cool.