Tuesday, October 16, 2007


We are heading into another weekend and things are going well. I am 16-8 against the spread in October and this weekends games look good.


I was watching TV tonight and the guy from NBC was interviewing the Senator that was accused of trying to have sex in an airport bathroom. Now, I consider myself open minded about that stuff and I am one of those guys that feels a guy is innocent until proven guilty. BUT, this guy is simply lying! Don't get me wrong, if I was caught trying to have "something " in an airport bathroom, I would lie too. I guess my problem is, it is one thing to lie to your family about which team you play for but something entirely different to go on tv and tell people that voted you into office that it was a mistake and everything is ok. He is insulting every man that has ever gone to the bathroom in an airport. NO straight guy goes into a stall, rubs legs with the guy next to you and reaches under the stall to say HI! ...Not that there's anything wrong with it.


My daughters 5 year old soccer team, the pink cheetah girls, will be wrapping up their season this weekend. I always told myself that I would NEVER coach my kids sports. I am not sure why I felt so strong about it. It may be that my dad never coached me and I turned out fine. However, I will tell you that it has been the highlight of my fall. I think it has helped my business because it has given me the chance to spend a couple of hours a week with little people that couldn't care less about the spreads or football games. They only cared about fashion, cheers and having fun. It has helped me be more balanced this season. Which has helped me be better at picking winners and have more fun the first month of the season. I will miss our hour together each week.


Richard Simmons was on Letterman tonight. He is wearing red striped running shorts and a bedazzled red tank top. I think it is interesting that society shuns a senator for being gay but embraces a guy that definitely has been in a few airport bathrooms. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I don't think I will be having either of them over for dinner.

Sorry I didn't have a lot today but I have a few things brewing that will make for interesting blogging!!

I am launching a new website in December. I am very excited about it and consider yourself invited to the big launch party. Keep checking for the "drop date" of www.peoplethathavetriedtoscrewme.com I also bought www.peoplethathavetriedtoscrewme.net I think it is going to be huge so get ready!! Have a great week and get signed up. We are winning 2 out of every 3 games I release. Not bad for a hetarosexual 5 year old girls soccer coach!