Friday, January 18, 2008


I turned on the TV the other day and saw the Mayor of Oklahoma City. He was talking about how the people in Oklahoma are "fatter" than in most places. I don't think I like the Mayor of a city talking about his people in that way. He could have said "the people in Oklahoma, although fat, are some of the friendliest people in the world."

I have had about enough of this "fat people are unhealthy" talk. Now some of you are thinking, "Jack, fat people ARE unhealthy." Maybe they are and maybe they are not, but I am still sick of hearing about it! I had 3 different people I know, die in the last 2 months and NONE of them died from heart disease. The studies show that a high % of people die from heart related illnesses. I ask you, what is a "high %" and who really cares? I am pretty sure that of all the deaths in the world, less than 50% die from being nicnamed "heavy..." That means that most of the people in the world will die from something other than being fat. If 10 people die and of those 10 people, 1 is struck by a bus, 2 people die from cancer, 2 more die from a freak panther accident, 1 is murdered by a "lover", 1 falls off a building and the rest die from being "fattys".. That means that MOST of those people died from something other than being fat.I guess you couold argue that the panther went after the fattest people or that the guy was pushed off the building because his belly made someone sick but STILL most were not killed by food or lack of exercise.

What I think is worst is we are spending A LOT of time worrying about how fat we are instead of being happy with who we are. Some people say " Jack, I work out so I will be more attractive." "Mr Right doesn't want me to look like a fat pig!" the fact is Mr Right probably doesnt like you because you arent funny or dont dance well and he only uses your weight as an excuse not to date you. Maybe you would be happier if you would find someone that thinks YOU are Mrs Right.

I have heard men talk about getting thin so the "hotties" will pay attention to them. Have you ever been to a gym? I have walked by a few gyms in my time and I will tell you some of the ugliest people in our society hang out at the gym. You cant exercise enough to get rid of ugly! There aren't enough curls in the world to overcome looking like a troll.

I think we would be better off thinking about how we treat others instead of worrying about what we ate for dinner.Pay a little more attention to the inside and less about the outside. How about taking someone out for dinner and saying " I want you to eat everything you want and I dont care if you blow up and look like a hippo!! If your happy, I'm happy."

Exercise may help some find happiness because it makes them feel better about themselves. I think you should do anything to help you feel good about yourself. Feeling good about yourself is a key to being happy.

I think everyone would be a lot happier if they would stop worrying about losing pounds and worry more about how to be happy with who they are.

Just 1 fat mans opinion.