Wednesday, January 23, 2008


The Super Bowl is almost here. Yesterday, I was telling my wife how much I love this time of year. Football is wrapping up and hoops are in full swing. I will be going to LA on Saturday for the LA Poker Open and then on to Vegas for the big game. I am a little concerned about Vegas this year. Not because of my friends going and the fact that some of them wont remember the trip. Not because there is a chance that someone in our group of on air hosts, clients and friends will throw up on someone else in the group.  I am concerned because the NY Giants made it to the game.

I have had 2 physical altercations in the last 5 years and both were with idiots from the "northeast". I went to the Bahamas last year and went into the sports bar to watch some football games that were going on that week. This sports bar only had 2 televisions. The focus while in the Bahamas isn't normally on football but for me it is everything on the weekends. When I walked in, both televisions were on the Giants vs. Tampa.  I went and asked  the bartender to please turn one of the TVs to the Dallas game. I had released the Cowboys and wanted to watch the game. When he turned one of the TVs to Dallas, this fat, stone belly, Tony Soprano wanna be yelled " yo yo yo yo don't touch that TV, the Giants are on."  I  then informed him HIS Giants were on the other TV 5 feet away. He said he only wanted to focus on the Giants game and didnt want to look up and mistake the other game for his game. I informed him I didn't give a rats a** about his A D D  and the Dallas game was staying. I will spare you the rest but you can imagine it didn't end well. I will tell you I watched every second of the Dallas game and he missed a bit of the Giants finish. 

I have seen a pattern of NY fans and I am not sure it is a good mix with the "all you can drink policy" Vegas has. I don't ask much, just show some manners. Dont shove, say please and thank you and stay away from me AFTER you get to the point you cant remember your name.

I am still working on who I am going to release but I am really going to work on having patience next weekend. You can take it from me, nothing spoils a Super Bowl party like an old fashion throw down. Have a good week and I will send updates before and then from LA and Vegas.